Common Outcomes of Masters Programs at SUCommon Outcomes for InstituteProgram Specific Outcomes
CodeCourse NamePO1PO2PO3PO4PO5PO6PO7PO8PO9PO10PO11PO12PO13PO14PO15PO16PO17PO18PO19
GR 555SAcademicWriting forGR Students555555445
PSY 501Trends in Psy. Sci5555555555555555555
PSY 502Data Analysis for Psy. Sci.I3353335141513334125
PSY 503Data Analysis for Psy Sci II5555555555555555455
Common Outcomes of Masters Programs at SUCommon Outcomes for InstituteProgram Specific Outcomes
CodeCourse NamePO1PO2PO3PO4PO5PO6PO7PO8PO9PO10PO11PO12PO13PO14PO15PO16PO17PO18PO19
PSY 511Cognition, Emotion and Psy5335554253453554235
PSY 512Visual Cognition5355555152444345254
PSY 514Selected Top in Lang. and Com.555555555
PSY 515Seminar in Memory&Attention5133555154555445253
PSY 516Culture and Cognition5335552355555525352
PSY 522Social Development5434555455455355533
PSY 524Lang. Infancy&Childhood5354545355555345355
PSY 540Personal Relationships534355513
PSY 542Social Cognition532455514
PSY 543Psychology of the Self
PSY 544Intergroup Relationships4454454444544544554
PSY 545Selected Topics in Social Psy
PSY 552Cognitive Neuroscience4142334244555344342
PSY 569Foundations of Infant Mental H