Common Outcomes of Masters Programs at SUCommon Outcomes for InstituteProgram Specific Outcomes
CodeCourse NamePO1PO2PO3PO4PO5PO6PO7PO8PO9PO10PO11PO12
ACC 801Fin. Reporting & State. Analys445535532544
FIN 802Principles Of Finance433333431433
MGMT 801Global Business Context555555555555
MGMT 804Data-Driven Decision Making511531531111
MGMT 808Ethics in Business555555243345
MGMT 810Strategic Management533554352545
MGMT 811Business Simulation555555353555
MGMT 814Economics for Managers333344432323
MKTG 801Marketing Management544455355335
OPIM 801Opera.& Supply Chain Manage.534555443344
ORG 801Org.Behav.&Leadership355421152143
Common Outcomes of Masters Programs at SUCommon Outcomes for InstituteProgram Specific Outcomes
CodeCourse NamePO1PO2PO3PO4PO5PO6PO7PO8PO9PO10PO11PO12
ACC 802Managerial Accounting
ACC 810Financial Statement Analysis
FIN 529Investment Management
FIN 556Financial Markets&Instruments
FIN 806Behavioral Finance
FIN 829Investment Management554545553435
FIN 899Wealth Management554545553435
MGMT 504Fundam.of Data Drive Busi.Dec.511531531111
MGMT 505Data Analysis Using Excel
MGMT 510Strategic Management5555555
MGMT 513International Business
MGMT 514Economics for Managers545555543434
MGMT 515Macroeconomics For Managers
MGMT 517Strategy Execution
MGMT 541Entrepreneurship444444
MGMT 580Special Topics in Management I
MGMT 595Independent Study
MGMT 599Graduation Project4534451
MGMT 817Strategy Execution
MGMT 835New Venture Creation324434133244
MGMT 840Digital Transform.& Innovation
MGMT 841Digital Transform.& Innovation
MGMT 851Intern.Busi.Strategy Immersion
MGMT 871DesignThink&PowerofStorytellin
MGMT 872Cybersecurity for Executives
MGMT 873Global Governance and Türkiye
MGMT 892Project II
MGMT 896Managerial Skills Development534554155555
MKTG 507Sales Management5535532
MKTG 511Advertising and Promotion4434532
MKTG 523International Marketing
MKTG 529Digital Marketing
MKTG 530Big Picture Marketing Strategy5545453
MKTG 804Digital Marketing Strategy
MKTG 805Retail Management555555255555
MKTG 807Sales Management553454255555
MKTG 808Advertising and Promotion444553244233
MKTG 809Branding&Agile Product Develop
MKTG 811Marketing Analytics
MKTG 819Trade & B2B Marketing
MKTG 823International Marketing
MKTG 824Marketing Strategy
MKTG 825Consumer Behavior
MKTG 826Consumption in the Digital Age
MKTG 853Consumer Behavior
OPIM 506CRM using Loc.Intelligence5353534
OPIM 508Simulation-Based Analytics513352
OPIM 522Revenue Management
OPIM 523Decision Models
OPIM 557Pract.Bus.Analyt.forManagers
OPIM 857Prac.Bus.AnalyticsforManagers
ORG 822StrategicHumanResourcesManagem
Common Outcomes of Masters Programs at SUCommon Outcomes for InstituteProgram Specific Outcomes
CodeCourse NamePO1PO2PO3PO4PO5PO6PO7PO8PO9PO10PO11PO12
MGMT 899Graduation Project