Common Outcomes of Undergraduate Programs at SU
CodeCourse NamePO1PO2PO3PO4PO5
AL 102Academic Literacies43455
CIP 101NCivic Involvement Projects I-N53535
HIST 191Principles of Atatürk I53332
HIST 192Principles of Atatürk II53212
HUM 201Major Works of Literature45532
HUM 202Major Works of Western Art45332
HUM 207Major Works of Western Philoso45332
HUM 311Maj.W.of Lit:The World Bef.Mod45332
HUM 312Major Works of Modern Art45332
HUM 317Major Works of Moral Philo.45332
HUM 321Major W. of Lit: The Modern W.45532
HUM 322Maj.Wo.of Art:TheWorldBef.Mod.45352
IF Prob.Solving55554
MATH 101Calculus I13332
MATH 102Calculus II13242
NS 101Science of Nature I55554
NS 102Science of Nature II55554
PROJ 201Undergraduate Project Course53545
SPS 101Humanity & Society I55552
SPS 102Humanity & Society II55232
SPS 303Law and Ethics53252
TLL 101Turkish Language&Literature I43452
TLL 102Turkish Language&Literature II43452
Common Outcomes of Undergraduate Programs at SUProgram Specific Outcomes
CodeCourse NamePO1PO2PO3PO4PO5PO6PO7PO8PO9PO10PO11PO12PO13
HART 292From Modern to Contemp. Art4414115553411
HART 293Contemporary Art3333343353533
HART 311Renaissance Art4332155355543
HART 413Visual Arts in Turkey3115311152511
HART 480Bauhaus3341143354544
VA 420Conc.&Deb. in Contemporary Art5555534454541
VA 430Art Analysis:Theory and Crit.3333333353543
Common Outcomes of Undergraduate Programs at SUProgram Specific Outcomes
CodeCourse NamePO1PO2PO3PO4PO5PO6PO7PO8PO9PO10PO11PO12PO13
VA 201Visual Language I3445355535323
VA 203Language of Drawing I4452343355445
VA 300Project and Internship1113555555155
VA 301Art Studio I5444555555325
VA 303Design Studio I5444515555215
VA 401Art Studio III3555555514215
VA 403Design Studio III4455545545424
Common Outcomes of Undergraduate Programs at SUProgram Specific Outcomes
CodeCourse NamePO1PO2PO3PO4PO5PO6PO7PO8PO9PO10PO11PO12PO13
VA 202Visual Language II4444255535425
VA 204Language of Drawing II4452354555445
VA 234Design with Typography2224355535215
VA 302Art Studio II3155145555515
VA 304Design Studio II
VA 323Figure Drawing5452445545445
VA 324Advanced Drawing5454454555445
VA 328Digital & Photographic Imaging4354345555435
VA 331Illustration as Communication3334345545225
VA 335Sound and Image5544535545314
VA 402Art Studio IV5445355334344
VA 404Design Studio IV
VA 431Videography & Narrative Making5555555555555
VA 4333D Modelling5555555555555
VA 4343D Animation5555555555555
VA 440Motion Graphics and Art5555555555555