Common Outcomes of Masters Programs at SUCommon Outcomes for InstituteProgram Specific Outcomes
CodeCourse NamePO1PO2PO3PO4PO5PO6PO7PO8PO9PO10PO11PO12PO13PO14PO15PO16PO17PO18
ETM 501Fundamentalsof Energy Resource543334423554441114
ETM 502Env,ClimateChange&Soc.Cost554333133422251124
ETM 504Energy Markets
ETM 506Energy Regulations and Laws
ETM 507Tech.&Innov.Mgmt in EnergyInd.
ETM 508Finance of Energy Projects
ETM 509Project Managem in Energy Indu
ETM 510SpecialTopics in EnergyStudy I
ETM 513Fund.Skills in Energy Studies
ETM 515Fossil Fuel Technologies433233423355431224
ETM 517Renewable Energy Systems432233534455431214
ETM 518Energy and Mobility
ETM 519Energy System Transition
ETM 520Inv.&StrategyinEnergyIndustry
ETM 521Power System Essentials:422234434544441224
ETM 523EnergySysModeling&Analysis
ETM 524Fundamentals of Energy Science544555554255231112
ETM 525Energy Geopolitics
ETM 526Corporate Climate Change Manag
ETM 527DA in the Energy Industry
ETM 528Energy Storage Technologies
ETM 599Individual Study
ETM 600Individual Study - II
Common Outcomes of Masters Programs at SUCommon Outcomes for InstituteProgram Specific Outcomes
CodeCourse NamePO1PO2PO3PO4PO5PO6PO7PO8PO9PO10PO11PO12PO13PO14PO15PO16PO17PO18
ETM 592Project Course