Common Outcomes of Masters Programs at SUCommon Outcomes for InstituteProgram Specific Outcomes
CodeCourse NamePO1PO2PO3PO4PO5PO6PO7PO8PO9PO10PO11PO12PO13
CS 531Parallel Process.&Algorithms111232332
CS 58000Sp.Top.inCS:Lat.based Cryptog.
EE 533Semiconductor Process Techno.5345555541111
EE 626Microelectromechanical Sys.535555555
ENS 513Experimental Methds in Nano.I
ENS 525Math.Meth.for Scient.&Engine.I555555555
ENS 526Math.Meth.for Scient.Engine.II
MAT 501Thermodynamics4223334332112
MAT 509Structure&Prop.of Materials5335555455555
MAT 520Surface Science: Chem.&Physics4144454353223
MAT 571Intro. to Electron Microscopy513355245
MATH 505Complex Analysis414214111
MATH 522Partial Differential Equations
MATH 573Complex Calculus
MATH 58000Spec.Top.inMATH:Commut.Algebra511143111
MATH 604Unbounded Opr. in Hilbert Spac
MATH 639Algebraic Function Fields II
ME the Finite Elem.Meth.
ME 537Biomechatronics555554554
ME 540Vibration of Continuous System
ME 58002Sp.Top.inME:Vibr.ofContin.Sys.411111511
NS 566Biophysics: Molecules and Sys.512144
PHYS 512Electromagnetic Theory II513345111
PHYS 532Quantum Mechanics II514534244
PHYS 538Phs.Trans.&Renorm.-Group Theor
PHYS 541Statistical Mechanics I5454353355555
PHYS 542Statistical Mechanics II
PHYS 550Mesoscopic Physics513545
PHYS 555Condensed Matter Physics I
PHYS 556Condensed Matter Physics II
PHYS 561High Energy Astrophysics I5344453345545
PHYS 566Compact Stars
PHYS 580Selected Topics in Physics
PHYS 584Quantum Comp&Quant.Info525545
PHYS Condensed Mat. Phys513244333
PHYS 614Gen.Thry of Relativity.&Cosmol514315114
PHYS 617Quantum Field Theory I
PSY 569Foundations of Infant Mental H
Common Outcomes of Masters Programs at SUCommon Outcomes for InstituteProgram Specific Outcomes
CodeCourse NamePO1PO2PO3PO4PO5PO6PO7PO8PO9PO10PO11PO12PO13
GR 555EScientific & Technical Com.5353551111121
PHYS 501Classical Mechanics423333333
PHYS 511Electromagnetic Theory I5133451145554
PHYS 531Quantum Mechanics I5145345455555
PHYS 551Graduate Seminar I2121331111111
PHYS 552Graduate Seminar II2121331111111
Common Outcomes of Masters Programs at SUCommon Outcomes for InstituteProgram Specific Outcomes
CodeCourse NamePO1PO2PO3PO4PO5PO6PO7PO8PO9PO10PO11PO12PO13
PHYS 590Master Thesis5453454445555