Common Outcomes of Undergraduate Programs at SUCommon Outcomes for Faculty
CodeCourse NamePO1PO2PO3PO4PO5PO6PO7PO8
AL 102Academic Literacies43455555
CIP 101NCivic Involvement Projects I-N53535344
HIST 191Principles of Atatürk I53332244
HIST 192Principles of Atatürk II53212343
HUM 201Major Works of Literature45532444
HUM 202Major Works of Western Art45442445
HUM 207Major Works of Western Philoso45332534
HUM 311Maj.W.of Lit:The World Bef.Mod45332555
HUM 312Major Works of Modern Art45332333
HUM 317Major Works of Moral Philo.45332544
HUM 321Major W. of Lit: The Modern W.45532553
HUM 322Maj.Wo.of Art:TheWorldBef.Mod.45452545
IF Prob.Solving55554311
MATH 101Calculus I13332111
MATH 102Calculus II13242111
NS 101Science of Nature I55554415
NS 102Science of Nature II55554415
PROJ 201Undergraduate Project Course53545333
SPS 101Humanity & Society I55552555
SPS 102Humanity & Society II55232555
SPS 303Law and Ethics53252444
TLL 101Turkish Language&Literature I43452335
TLL 102Turkish Language&Literature II43452335
Common Outcomes of Undergraduate Programs at SUCommon Outcomes for FacultyProgram Specific Outcomes
CodeCourse NamePO1PO2PO3PO4PO5PO6PO7PO8PO9PO10PO11PO12
ANTH 214Anthropology as Cult.Critique554555555555
CULT 300Project and Internship434453453334
GEN 341Myths of Gender534435545455
LIT 212Analyzing Text and Context553545455555
SOC 201Social Theory534435535554
Common Outcomes of Undergraduate Programs at SUCommon Outcomes for FacultyProgram Specific Outcomes
CodeCourse NamePO1PO2PO3PO4PO5PO6PO7PO8PO9PO10PO11PO12
ANTH 255Local Cultures, Global Forces533555555555
CULT 361Oral History535555555455
CULT 391Turkish Culture:Critical Persp552534555555
CULT 401Honors Project445555555555
CULT 432Modernism/Postmodernism454534445555
GEN 385Migrations and the Family
GEN 410Gender and Politics423535555455
IF 301Gender in Science&Technology543324433353
LIT 440Literature and Psychoanalysis544435345434
PHIL 202Problems of Philosophy34253224
PHIL 301Philosophy of Social Sciences545545555552
PSY 201Mind & Behavior455555453544
PSY 340Social Psychology544444544443
PSY 416Culture and Cognition55554535
SOC 300Sociology of Science534425534454
SOC 425Power, Economy, and Society545255555555
VA 315Visual Culture332434444443